How to Set Your Personal Goals…
The average New Year’s resolution lasts a little under 4…
Dec 15, 2023
Instagram, born October 6th, 2010; Snapchat on September 16th, 2011, and TikTok, born in September 2016. Unlike you, your adolescent does not remember a world without the iPhone or Amazon’s Alexa and is navigating a digital world that is developing rapidly. The ever-changing landscape of social media, met with little regulation and guidance on how to handle it, presents parents with challenges that didn’t exist 20-years ago. So, what is the best way to parent your adolescent through the explosion of social media?
Studies suggest that social media can be related to negative mental health outcomes and some adolescents experience an increase in problematic and compulsive behaviors with their devices. In one study, 1/3 of adolescents reported experiencing cyberbullying. Another study found that 1 in 6 teens experienced online harassment such as name calling, spreading of false rumors, receiving unsolicited explicit images, and having their activities tracked by someone other than a parent. LGBTQ and BIPOC adolescents face an increased risk of exposure to homophobic, transphobic, and racist content. When asked, adolescents recognized many of the risks posed to them via social media use. Without proper tools to mitigate risks, adolescents face unsolicited and inappropriate content and are unsure how best to protect their privacy and safety.
Social media can also offer adolescents a place to engage with their peers, meet new friends, and experience connection. During adolescence, individuals seek ways to relate to those around them and explore their own thoughts, views, and beliefs about the world. As parents, it is important to recognize your adolescent’s autonomy and independence with both respect and gentle guidance. Social media platforms provide many opportunities for adolescents to practice independence and develop a sense of autonomy. Adolescence is a time of rapid change which can feel incredibly uneasy and confusing; social media can offer a place to relate to others experiencing similar feelings and give your adolescent a sense of community.
American Psychological Association. (2023, May). How social media affects teens’ mental health, with Jacqueline Nesi, Phd. American Psychological Association.
Nesi, J., Mann, S., & Robb, M. (2023). (rep.). How Girls Really Feel About Social Media. Common Sense Media.
Murphy , V. (2023, May 24). U.S. Surgeon General Releases Report: 2023 Social Media and Youth Mental Health. ACA(WEBusage).
Vogels, E. A. (2022, August 10). Teens, social media and technology 2022. Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech.
The Trevor Project National Survey. The Trevor Project. (2021).
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You're in the behavioral health field because you want to help people.